Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Is that a banana in your pocket...

Anja had her first trick-or-treating experience this evening. We practiced the routine before going out and it was unclear if she really got the whole concept of knocking on people's door for candy and what to say and when. But, she did awesome! There was a little parade of kids (and some fun parents who dressed up too), pizza, weird Halloween-y "tricks", a Chilean flute player, and of course, trick or treating, which she loved.

The pic is of our neighbors Mei-Jin and her kids Emily (3) and Ethan (9 mos). Anja was a monkey if you can't quite make it out. She even did the "ooooh eeeee aaahhh" to the parents when we went door to door.

Her costume came complete with a banana in her pocket. But she was mostly happy just to see the candy.


Erin said...

Adorable! So glad you started blogging. Did your or Thad dress up?


astridalailama said...

No. I'm a party pooper and Thad had class. Thad's colleague Andrea came too. We had so much fun running around.

Did you dress up? A roller girl, perhaps?

Erin said...

I did dress up. The first weekend I was a LOLCat, seen at the link below:


Have you heard of the famous mexican quarterback?

El Paso!