Friday, February 15, 2008


Sorry people. I guess Happy Valley really isn't hoppin' lately. We've mainly been working, studying, etc. We did manage, however, to win 2nd place at the CAMS chili cook-off about 2 weeks ago. Normally, I'd be sad about not winning first, but this is perfect since we won't have to host next year. The winner does. If you'd like to try the same recipe it, was pretty delicious:,,FOOD_9936_16934,00.html

**In case you don't check astronomy news, there will be a lunar eclipse next Wednesday from about 10PM to 10:45 EST. I hope it will be clear out. It will be easy to see for the entire U.S.**

Speaking of the moon, last week was Lunar New Year, as you probably know. We went to a celebration where they have a parade and some food. The kids were all pretty cute helping to carry the dragon. One little girl was in traditional Korean dress, sort of like kimono, but obviously different since it was from a different culture. Unfortunately, I don't remember the word for it.

Homemade dragon.

We are in the year of the rat. I am a dragon, Thad is a snake, and Anja is a monkey. Ha ha! Yes she is!

Last week we went ice skating with some friends. It was her first time, and Anja skated really well by the end of the 2 hours. Matt are Rebekah are the other people in this shot. Ok, Anja is insisting I mention that there are two Rebecca's (Rebekah's). I hadn't realized how much I missed skating until I got out there. Ah, good times.


Andrea G. said...

For the record, winning the chili cookoff does not require to host the event, only to judge the event. But depending on the quality of the entries, it may be a blessing that you don't have to try them all. :)

astridalailama said...

Oooh, my mistake. I don't mind judging, YUM!